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March 2012 Archives

3/26/12 -- Lucy and Rob just donated $1000 to The House of Travel Racing for Starship Team which will be competing in the Orion Health GODZone Adventure Challenge, this Easter, raising funds for the national children's hospital to raise funds for Starship’s National Air Ambulance Service.

Starship tweet:  A huge Starship thanks to Lucy for donating $1,000 to the
House of Travel Racing for Starship team, competing in the GODZone Adventure Race in Queenstown this Easter.  Check out the teams latest activities and
see how you can help

3/25/12 -- Sue Rector had idea to trend @RealLucyLawless birthday on Twitter
I clean trash in city park #happybirthdaylucylawless #dosomethingnicefortheplanet

Couldn't fit her last name in the tweet I just made, but thought this was a great idea!



Want to celebrate Lucy's birthday (3/29) this year?  I asked her what she'd most enjoy having the fans do this year and she said she’d love it if the fans would “Do something nice for the Planet.”  As she’s just come down from her battle with Shell Oil and trying to save the Arctic, it seems a spot on request and one I know the fans would love to participate in. 

Think of something to do and then drop me a note at and I'll collect them all and send the list of “nice things for the Planet” to Lucy.  Big thing or small, it all counts.  Each small step we take in the right direction is a giant leap for the future of our planet and the generations to come.  You have until April 14 to send them to me.

Don't forget to include your name, city, state, country.

3/6/12 -- Check Lucy's tweet above to view Robert Redford's video on Shell's arctic oil drilling plans.

Tweet from Lucy:
Please watch this video narrated by Robert Redford on Shell's Arctic oil drilling plan.

Contents of this webpage ©2012 Lucille F. Lawless/Sharon Delaney