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October 2011 Archives

10/20/11 -- Lucy's come out of the depths of Roman decadence and what should greet her eyes, but the Feel the Love Week pledge list.  She'd loved it!  And her note of thanks is above.

I want to add a special thanks to Rebecca Reilly, the fan who came up with the idea six years ago.  I thought she'd drifted away as I didn't see her pledge for the past couple years until I noticed a similarity between her email and another Rebecca.  Turns out it was our Rebecca still with us.  So thanks again for such a great idea.  The fans love it and it really brightens up Lucy's life as well.  Good on ya!

10/16/11 -- The person to whom organized sports is the equivalent of eating brussels sprouts has been hooked by the Rugby World Cup!  Yes, that's a photo above of Lucy sitting in the stands watching the All Blacks play the Wallabies.

10/12/11 -- Feel the Love pledges have all been typed into a wonderfully fun, imaginative and greater-good list and on its way down to Lucy.  Thanks to you all :)

10/9/11 -- Feel the Love Week UPDATE 2

Okay, I've sent messages back to everyone who sent a pledge. If you didn't hear
back from me, please send it again. It's a great list of inventive,
heart-warming, generous things that fans are doing in the name of Lucy. I know
she's going to love reading it when I send the list down.

For any last minute people, read the posts here for the dates of 9/5 and

"In honor of Lucy Lawless Feel the Love Day, I will (insert your intended
contribution), then put your name and location (city, state, country) as you
want it to appear on the pledge list."
The subject of the email should be Feel the Love Day.
Please email your pledges to

10/3/11 -- The second season of Spartacus is wrapping up and Lucy wanted to share her feelings for her cast and crew.  Check her new message above.  Can't wait until January so we can see what they've been up to.  I'm sure there's heaps of physical havoc and emotional turmoil as well.  That's what Spartacus excels in.  If the first season and the prequel are anything to judge by, we're in for quite a ride come the new year!

10/2/11 --
Feel The Love Week UPDATE

During this past week, I began to get emails, from people who had participated in previous years, saying they were sorry they couldn’t join in this year.  When I asked why, they said the economy was bad and they just didn’t have extra money to donate.  When I mentioned that they’d done a good deed last time, why didn’t they just do that again, they said it looked like this year was more geared toward donations.  Some newbies wrote as well saying they hoped they could participate in the future when the economy was better.

That surprised me as the Feel the Love Week has always been first and foremost about celebrating the Greater Good that Xena did running around ancient Greece and her alter ego Lucy does in our time.  Eighty percent of the pledges I would receive were people helping their family, their friends, their neighbors, their community, their country and people around the world.  Below are some of the deeds that were done in previous years.

Donations to all the worthy causes are wonderful if you can do it and are always greatly appreciated.  But, in these times, sometimes what we can give is of ourselves, our time, our energy, our hearts.

The people I was writing to have asked if I could extend the date for sending in a pledge, so the new deadline is October 10.

Feel the Love Week is about spreading joy and reminding ourselves and others why we’re here – to share, to help, to love.  To leave the world a little better because we were here.

Painting sea turtles on my newborn niece’s nursery
Spending a day at a nursing home talking to the residents
Helping in an autistic classroom
Helping a disabled Veteran fix up his home
Helping with my schools anti-bullying crusade
Singing for the kids at St. Jude’s hospital
Participating in a breast cancer walk
Donating blood
Saving up items in my home for recycling
Bottle feeding a newborn kitten at a shelter
Playing board games at a nursing home
In Brazil:  Comprometo-me a arrecadar junto aos meus parentes e amigos, roupas e agasalhos, e doar a criancas carentes de um bairro muito decadente em minha cidade.  Pois toda crianca tem direito a uma vida digna.
Taking my whole family to the beach to be together because we love each other
Planting trees
I have challenged myself, my staff, and the children we care for, to perform as many randoms acts of kindness as possible this week. That's 30+ adults and teens and 250+ kids spreadin' the love!
Foster a puppy for the Guide Dogs School
I'm giving away one of my precious african grey parrots
to a good friend of mine who just lost their bird. He was devastated and I know this will make him feel better.
Driving a friend to cancer treatments
I'm helping out my son’s friend to attend extra school hours and get her high school diploma by driving and supporting her everyday.
Marching in a Gay Pride parade
Reading to children after school
Help in a community garden raising vegetables for a food bank
Donating a used cell phone
Volunteer at a humane society festival
Beach cleaning
Babysit for my friend so she and her husband can go out to dinner
I will help my friend start her dream business - decorating cakes with fondant icing. I'll bake the cakes and teach her how.
Volunteer at a Therapy Horseback Riding school
I went to my elderly neighbor and asked to borrow her
gardening tools.  To her surprise and delight I trimmed her bushes and cut her palms and pulled her weeds.  Afterwards she made me a sandwhich and while I ate she spoke of her family and days gone by.
Become a bone marrow donor
Cook a dinner for a friend who is stuck in bed
I will spend time with kids my age (16) who have Downs Syndrome and make them feel more involved
Helping out with Freshman Week at my university to help the new students get used to university life and being away from home
Participating in an AIDS walk
Helped a young couple put up wallpaper and took a friend’s cats into my apartment and cared for them while she was in hospital
Volunteered at my church’s food pantry preparing baskets of food

Contents of this webpage ©2011 Lucille F. Lawless/Sharon Delaney